Activity 1

Development of the IO1 ENGINE Cybersecurity training course for entrepreneurs and employees, which will be uploaded on the ENGINE Training Platform (IO3). Atlantis will lead this Output, assisted by all other partners. All the partnership together will contribute to the development of the training modules according to their competences and internal expertise.

WP3 – A3.1 TRAINING COURSE DEVELOPMENT: Division of tasks among partners.

WP3 – A3.1.a – Development of Methodology (Syllabus)

WP3 – A3.1.b – Development of IO1 course Curriculum.

WP3 – A3.2 Validation of the training methodology and curricula, finalization of the Training course, making adjustments if necessary

WP3 – A3.3 Implementation of IO1 training course. Uploading the training material on the Online Platform

Activity 2

Development of IO2 Guidelines on how to implement cyber security knowledge to the target. The Guidelines will be uploaded on the ENGINE Project website and will be accessible through the ENGINE learning Platform, in order to provide practical and strategic information to SMEs employees and entrepreneurs on how to transfer the knowledge acquired during the training course in their companies. This Output will be led by DANITACOM, supported by all and especially by CBE and Atlantis.
All the partnership together will contribute to the development of the Guidelines according to their competences and internal expertise.

WP4 – A4.1.b) Exchanging data to optimize the circulation and use of information within the partnership

WP4 – A4.1.c) Facilitating the transnational cooperation process promoted by the project.

WP4 – A4.2 Actions for the co-elaboration of Guideline:

WP4 – A4.2.a) Definition of criteria and tools for assessing the level of effectiveness of the experience

WP4 – A4.2.b) Identification of the ideal users that can live a creative experience, defining its phases with the detail of “what you bring with you”

WP4 – A4.2.c) Definition of the equipment to be used, of the partners and collaborators to be involved, of the timing, of the costs to be incurred

WP4 – A.3 Direct application in the field by stakeholders

WP4 – A.3.a) conception and implementation of IO1 knowledge and experiences to implement cybersecurity and blockchain to bring the innovation in the management of their SMEs.

WP4 – A3.b) Aggregating the experiences of entrepreneurs implemented in a transnational LTTA to be disseminated on the project website in order to encourage other potential entrepreneurs to apply the same experimented solutions and to update those that they have implemented. This will extend the scope of the ENGINE initiative also in other national and European contexts.

Activity 3

Production of the IO3 Online Training Platform on which the partnership will upload the Training material produced.

WP5: Development and testing of Training Platform to transfer cybersecurity and blockchain knowledge to the target. BIC Innobridge will lead this Output, supported by FVB. The other partners will give their contribution in testing the platform, with hints and suggestions.

A5.1 Initialization work and development of the Online Platform

A5.2 Finalization and testing of the platform